Serving the least of these

Since 2014, we've made donations to ministries, non-profits, and organizations who are feeding the hungry, providing water for the thirsty, ministering to those in prison, welcoming strangers, clothing the naked, and healing the sick.

we want to hear from you!

Filling out the form is the simplest and quickest method to begin communicating with our team. Let us know what questions you have about our vision and ministry. Or if you would like one of our staff to visit your church or missions conference. And we will gladly work to find a way to meet face to face or electronically to talk about potential new partner ministries!


Frequently asked questions


is your organization a 501c3?

yes. the 25 group has been a 501c3 since we started in 2014. Feel free to reach out to us if you have any more questions about tax deductions, formation papers, etc.

where do you work?

At the 25 group, we like to say that there isn’t an area that we aren’t interested in working. Throughout the last 7 years we’ve partnered with organizations in: the usa, cambodia, uganda, india, dominican republic, china, ukraine, rwanda, lebanon, ethiopia, and more!

What is the 25 group’s mission?

The 25 group mission is to serve the least of these found in matthew 25 through advocacy and FUNDing. We find a need that a nonprofit has and then we uplift their work through raising awareness and donating to continue their efforts.

How can I get involved?

we would love to connect with you and see how you can best serve others! feel free to fill out our contact form or email our executive director at: brookehill@the25group

Who runs the 25 group?

Brooke Hill is our executive director and runs the day to day operations for the 25 group. This includes: communication with our partners and donors, social media, and speaking engagements.

where does the money go when i donate?

at the 25 group, we switch partner organizations every 2 months. when you give, your donation goes to our current project parternship as well as to continue the efforts of the 25 group.

Resources to share with your church and local community

We believe that every Christian has a responsibility to make disciples of Jesus in their neighborhood, workplace and around the world. At The 25 Group, we do not see a separation between the sharing of the Gospel and the showing of compassion.

apply to be a
nonprofit recipient

We look to partner with ministries around the world so that we can equip them with the resources they need to continue in their work. We search for groups that are working to make disciples of Jesus Christ as they perform acts of justice and compassion.

help us serve the least of these

By combining all of these small gifts together, all of us together can make a big impact. Why not join us in worshiping Jesus by following His example of showing compassion to all nations?